Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chapter One: Peak Season

“There you go, Bella. The network’s back up. I just had to do a few adjustments to the router so you shouldn’t have a problem logging into the reservation system now.”

Bella took a deep sigh of relief and patted Ben on the back. She was extremely worried that her wireless connection would decide to crap out on her right before her guests arrived. Not that she had many; there were only six rooms, excluding her own. But ever since she had Ben outfit the manor with a high-tech reservation system, it made her life significantly easier.
“Thanks, Ben. You’re a life-saver and I owe you cookies.” He smiled in acceptance. Ben was only be twenty but he was a brain when it came to computers. The entire island depended on his know-how to keep it connected with the wider world.
“Double chocolate chip?”
Bella rolled her eyes playfully, “Yes, Ben, I will supply you with a batch of gram’s famous Double Chocolate Chip. But don’t think you’re off the hook, young man. I need assurance I have you on-call should this go all wonky again.”
“Sure thing, Bella...I’ve got your back. I’ll see you later!” Ben shouted over his shoulder as he made his way through the screen door in the kitchen.
“Bye, Ben! Say hi to your parents for me!”
Bella poured herself a cup of coffee and walked over to the front desk where she fiddled with her laptop and newly-reconnected internet. She checked her emails--nothing of importance except thank you emails from former guests. She read another little note from her cousin, Siobhan, which let Bella know she had finally got the job she’d been wanting at a high profile marketing firm in Seattle, and therefore would be that much closer to spending time with her. Bella was quite pleased at the possibility of seeing one of the only living relatives she had left. Siobhan was a beautiful person, inside and out. With her marketing talents, she managed to help Bella save Swan Harbor Bread & Breakfast from possible demise. She was the one who had pushed Bella to link up to a B&B online network that allowed guests to check out and compare rates to smaller B&B’s that would never otherwise receive exposure. Bella was truly grateful to her, and was dying to see her again. Siobhan had lived in Phoenix with her mother, Bella’s aunt, until she was finished with college and landed the Seattle position. Bella responded with congratulations and promises of celebration once she set foot on Orcas Island. 
Bella continued to check her reservations that day and noticed the name Whitlock. She remembered speaking to an Alice Brandon-Whitlock earlier in the week, finalizing details for her and her new husband’s honeymoon. A Seattle native, Mrs. Brandon-Whitlock had ironically never stepped foot on any of the islands, even though they were only about a 45 minute ferry ride from Puget Sound. She seemed very excited and sociable, and Bella looked forward to meeting her. They were going to stay in the Swan Room; the largest of the six rooms in the manor, it housed one of the most beautiful views of the harbor, a 15 minute bike ride away. 
The Whitlocks would be checking in later in the afternoon, sometime after lunch, so Bella still had some time to herself, having said goodbye to her only guests last night. Her eyes wandered to a picture frame that held a photo of a much older woman hugging a young little girl with long brunette braids.
Not even aware she was speaking aloud, Bella spoke to the woman in the photo. “Oh, Gram, days like this, I miss you the most. I know how much you loved quiet mornings when all you could here where the birds and the seaplanes. I hope I’m doing right by you.” She sighed and looked back to the computer screen, noticing that a new reservation had been made within the last five minutes. This would happen once in a blue moon, but what she saw made her scratch her head.
Cullen, E. Only one guest? How odd,” she mused to herself out loud, drinking the last of her coffee. It was a normal occurrence for single travelers to visit-- usually hikers and nature explorers, but they usually stayed closer to the center of town in Eastsound. The manor was at least a twenty minute drive away. Maybe he’s bird watching? Since Bella’s B&B was situated within a wild bird refuge, it was not unheard of to see bald eagles, swans, and other wild life. 
Whatever the case may be, this person would be checking in at around five in the evening, just in time for dinner. Unlike other B&B’s, Bella prided herself on offering breakfast and dinner, along with afternoon tea; something Gram always loved to do. 
Bella closed her laptop, deciding to make the trip into Eastsound to stock up on groceries and sundries to last the weekend. Along with the Whitlocks and Cullen, the mystery guest, she was booked solid, all three remaining reservations checking in the following day.
The morning slowly morphed into a beautiful summer day, temperatures reaching up to a seasonable 68 degrees. The beautiful green of the trees and foliage swept by as Bella drove through the winding roads to town. When she arrived at Newton’s Grocery Store, she waved to Mrs. Newton, who was perched behind the customer service counter, which in a small town like this was really just a little table with a computer.
“Bella! How wonderful to see you again. How goes it over at the manor? Any interesting guests yet?” Her short, salt and pepper hair was like a billowy cloud around her face.
“Not yet, they check in later today...I’ll fill you in soon,” Bella shouted over her shoulder, as she grabbed a shopping cart, list in hand.
“Well, if you need me to bake you any more of those crumpets for high tea, I’ll send them later on with Michael,” sang Mrs. Newton. She still held out hope that her hopelessly awkward son, Mike, and Bella would somehow form a romantic bond. Fat chance, lady. That dream was crushed back in high school when he tried to spread a rumor that he’d gotten to third base with her. Rumors in a school of 500 were nothing less than damaging, and it had taken Bella almost a full year to dispel said rumor. No way Mike was going to get within three feet of her ever again.
“Thank you, Mrs. Newton, but I made some last night with Gram’s recipe, but I’ll keep you in mind for next time.” She didn’t want to seem rude. She knew almost everyone on the island, and it was a bad idea to make enemies, especially since most of them would have seen you grow up over the years.
After gathering all her items onto the conveyor belt at checkout, she paid and made her way back to the manor. As she emptied her car of the groceries, Bella noticed a familiar car parked in her driveway. She immediately smiled and could already smell the savory scents mingling with the cool mid-morning air.
“Rosie, where are you?!” She practically skipped into the kitchen, finding her best friend setting up several pots and pans.
“Hey there Bella! Gosh, I’m so glad to see you! I was wondering where you were! I hope you don’t mind I just let myself in. I know you must have a few guests checking in a bit and I just wanted to get something on the stove in time for dinner.” Bella embraced her friend and held on tightly. 
Rose attended school with Bella on the island, but later left for culinary school in Oregon after graduation. She was successful and owned a tiny high-end restaurant in Seattle. But ever since the first year of the restaurant’s opening, she shut down for the summer, coming to work for Bella and making almost all the meals. For a time, Bella felt guilty about asking her to cook during what should be vacation time for Rosie, but she wouldn’t hear of it. Rosie was just happy to be away from the big city and enjoy the peace and quiet of the island and spend quality time with her best friend. Bella finally felt the peak season had started once Rosie was there. Everything was in place.
“Oh, don’t worry! I’m just so glad to see you, I’ve missed you terribly!” Bella finally broke from the hug to start organizing the pantry and fridge. Just as they started to enter easy conversation about what each had done during the rest of the year, the pitter-patter of paws hitting the hardwood floors neared until the small furry body attached to the sound bounded up to Bella.
“Ziggy!! Oh, it’s so good to see you, my dear! I’m sure the rabbits and squirrels aren’t, though!” She laughed as she hunched down to accept wet sloppy licks from Rosie’s four-year-old lemon beagle, Ziggy. He was the epitome of unconditional love, and possibly the sweetest dog around. Bella always had a soft spot for him, having bought him from a reputable breeder in Seattle when he was a puppy. She was entirely taken by his peculiar coloring. Lemon beagles did not have the typical tri-colored pattern, but only white and a light brown, almost caramel coloring. Bella had given Ziggy to Rosie as a graduation present her first summer at the manor. She’s brought him back every summer ever since. He was a happy addition, and all the guests adored him.
“Oh, don’t encourage the beagle, Bella. He’s too spoiled. He practically jumped out of my moving car when he realized where we were.”
“Oh, you’re not spoiled, Ziggy, are you? No No...you’re not...you’re just too cute for words, and deserve some cured meats as a reward...yes you dooooo,” Bella cooed to the dog, who’s tail wag was communication enough that he was quite pleased with the prospect of cured meats.
As Bella handed Ziggy a piece of ham from the old cold cuts from the fridge, Rosie inquired, “So what’s the deal with our guests this weekend? Anyone interesting?”
Bella sat on a stool and leaned on her kitchen island, “Well, we have one couple on their honeymoon; she’s from Seattle, he’s from somewhere in the south, I don’t remember where. Then there’s a couple celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary...could you imagine that, Rosie? Thirty years together...will that ever happen to us?” Bella asks whimsically.
“It won’t happen to you if you just sit in this place all year round, that’s for sure,” she chuckled while prepping ingredients for salmon piccatta. 
Bella rolled her eyes. “Yes, we are all aware of Bella Swan’s inability to find a man, thank you, Rosie.” It’s not the Bella didn’t want a relationship, the selection was just a little thin on a small island where everyone knows your name...and your history. She didn’t want anyone to be with her out of pity.
“That’s it then? Only two couples the whole week?” Rose asked.
“Oh, no...I’m booked solid. I’ve got two other couples on a bird watching expedition, and there’s one single guest...” She trailed off knowing Rosie would immediately jump to conclusions.
“Oh, reeeaalllly? Do we know if it’s a man or woman? Why would they stay here alone? That’s weird...” She rattled off.
“I have no idea. It just said Cullen, E. It’s probably just a hiker or another birdwatcher.”
“How long are they staying?”
“You know what? I have no idea. I didn’t even look,” Bella said as she quickly brought her laptop over from the front office. She logged into her reservation software and looked for today’s check-ins, scanning for Cullen, E. She spotted it, but turned her head, slightly baffled.
“It says here they’ll be staying two weeks.” Bella looked up as Rosie stopped her actions enough to look at her.
“Two weeks? Well, that is really weird then. Who’d stay here by themselves for that long? It’s not like Orcas Island is chock-full of entertainment.”
“Well, we’ll find out soon enough, they’re set for a 5 pm check-in.” 
“Great. Right on time for my magnificent dinner plans.” They both laughed and giggled through the remainder of the hour while Rosie cooked. Bella finally made her rounds to all the rooms, changing linens, filling the bathrooms with fresh towels, lotions, shampoos, and single-serve coffee pouches. Next to the coffee makers, she’d leave a plate full of Gram’s double chocolate chip cookies and a hand-written note of welcome.
By the time she was through, it was nearly lunch, and her stomach protested with a loud growl. Bella giggled to herself and made her way downstairs to make a sandwich. Rosie had retired for a nap in the small carriage house she claimed as her home for the summer. She liked having her own space, since it was left vacant after Gram died, Bella had decided to convert it into a small cottage, much to Rosie’s happiness.
Bella remembered Rosie’s words to her with a smile. “Not that I don’t love to be around you, B, but I would much rather not hear the incessant noises and wall-banging from the constant stream of honeymooners.” So for the last five years, Rosie took up residence in the lovely little cottage the faced the pond.
As Ziggy followed Bella around in the lucrative endeavor for more sliced ham, Bella prepared for her guests. She wrote some last minute emails to potential guests as she heard tires roll against the gravel driveway. She looked up just in time to see her first one enter-- a tiny little thing with black spiky hair and a hand bag twice her size hanging from her shoulder. She was immediately followed by a tall, lean gentleman with shaggy blondish hair and striking blue eyes. They both smiled, and Bella thought to herself they would be perfect for a teeth whitening commercial. 
“Hi there! You must be Bella! I’m Alice Brandon-Whitlock, and this is my husband, Jasper.” Alice emphasized her new name and Jasper’s new title with a gleam in her eye. Bella was quite amused with the new bride, and thought she would get along with her perfectly.
“Well, hello Alice and Jasper, it’s so nice to finally put faces to names. I hope your trip was smooth?” She asked as she shook both their hands.
“Oh, it was beautiful! I never knew taking the ferry would be so relaxing. We even saw some pilot-nose dolphins on the way!” Alice seemed genuinely excited to see the wildlife that Bella took for granted. Even so, she never ventured to the shore or ever rode the ferry. It was still too much. But for a city girl like Alice, it almost seem imaginary, the animals mere animatronic puppets.
“That’s wonderful. I’m so glad it was enjoyable. Your room is ready; here’s your key, if you give me a sec, I’ll help you with your bags,” Bella said, going to retrieve one of their suitcases. Jasper’s hand halted her movements.
“Ms. Swan, now what kind of gentleman would I be if I allowed you to carry these? We’ll be just fine. You just relax here, no need to trouble yourself for us.” Bella noticed his southern drawl right away, and was quite pleased to know that chivalry was not dead.
“Um, ok, I guess...It’s really no trouble for me at all, but as you wish. Dinner will be ready in a couple of hours, around 5:30 to be exact. Would you like some tea?”
At the idea of a warm cup of tea Alice jumped, “Oh yes! We would absolutely adore some! Oh, Jasper, isn’t this gorgeous?” she fawned as they made their way up to their room. Bella wasted no time in preparing a tray with a pot, two cups and condiments, as well as a few crumpets and water crackers. After about thirty minutes, she quietly knocked on their door. Jasper opened the door with a grin.
“Come on in, ma’am,” he said as he took the tray from Bella, setting it on the small table. “This place is really somethin’. Reminds me of my grandfather’s estate in South Carolina. I love the feel of places with history.”
Alice chimed in as she exited the bathroom. “Oh yes! And the view! I can’t stop staring out our balcony. You must love living here. It must be a dream to stay here year round.”
Bella smiled silently and nodded, but knew in her heart it wasn’t always so easy. The winter months were especially lonely, even if the islands were surprisingly temperate. Bella would find herself eating TV dinners and watching HGTV all day and watching movies on pay-per-view at night. Her only solace from going insane was her weekly rides to Eastsound and her internet connection.
“Well, I’ll leave you two to rest, and I’ll see you in a bit. Any diet restrictions? Everything we serve here is fresh with local produce and fish...”
“Nope, Jasper and I will eat just about anything, no worries here.” Alice smiled.
“Alright then, see you a little later,” she said as she closed the door and made her way back downstairs.
In the kitchen, Rosie was back putting together a salad and placing an apple pie into the oven.
“So, what are they like?” Rosie wanted to know the scoop on the city couple.
“They’re very nice. Her husband is from South Carolina apparently, and she’s just a little spitfire. I bet she’s going to be a ton of fun to get to know. They’ll be here all week.”
“I can’t wait. It’s about time this place came to life again. It’s almost like you come back to life again too. You know I always tell you to come back to Seattle with me and live in civilization, why don’t you take me up on it this year? I can’t bear the thought of you staying here all year.” Rosie had spent a great deal of time trying to convince her best friend that watching over an old house in the middle of nowhere was no way to live. Bella had always shied away from moving, stating her gram left the manor to her, and she felt obligated to take care of it the same way she did all those years.
Gram was everything to Bella. She had taken her in and raised her when her parents passed away. The least she could do to make Gran proud was to cherish the manor as she always had.
“Maybe, Rosie. But you know I can’t stay away too long. What happens if I leave and something happens here? I could never live with myself...”
“Yeah yeah, I know all that. It’s the same excuse you’ve used forever. Hire a caretaker. Lots of these places do it. What do you think all the celebrities that own mansions on these islands do? They have house sitters for part of the year. I know one of them. He’s the caretaker for Gene Hackman’s place on that little island he bought, pretentious bastard.”
Rosie had a point, but Bella still felt unsure. “I don’t know. It would have to be someone I trust completely, and I don’t know anyone in town who’d be willing to do it.” Bella was making excuses, Rosie was sure of it. She knew deep down inside that Bella had other reasons to stay behind. She was scared. Fearful of life, and of moving on. It would be so easy for her to hop on a ferry and make it to the mainland, but for as long as Rose had known Bella, she’d never seen her even near the water, much less on a boat. Ironic-- the islander was afraid of the water.
“Well, just think about it, please?” Rose pleaded as she stirred the pot one last time before setting the stove on low. Bella and Rose sat talking and gossiping for a couple of hours as they waited, discussing who got married, who died, who got pregnant right after graduation, who left the island in search of work. Before they both realized, it was five PM and Alice and Jasper could be heard descending the stairs quietly talking and giggling.
Bella quickly prepared the table, setting for five, and realized her mysterious single guest hadn’t arrived, even though they’d mentioned a late check-in. She thought nothing of it, and hoped the guest wouldn’t leave their reservation on hold. There were people on waiting lists for rooms here, and she could not afford a room without an occupant. 
Small talk filled the dining room as everyone sat at the dinner table and the meal was served. The scent of minestrone soup and lemon and capers filled the room, as Alice and Jasper oohed and ahhed at the magnificence that was Rosie’s cooking.
“There’s another place setting here. Are you expecting someone else, Bella?” asked Alice.
“Yes, actually, I had one guest who was supposed to be here by now, but I guess something must’ve happened. They don’t have much time, whatever it is. The last ferry leaves in 30 minutes,” Bella explained.
After another hour of sitting and talking over delicious apple pie and coffee, the squeak of the screen door sounded followed by the bell at the front desk. Startled, Bella glanced at the grandfather clock in the hallway. It was almost 7:30, and she figured it was the mysterious guest who had finally arrived. They probably got lost or missed a ferry or something, thought Bella as she excused herself to check on the visitor.
When she caught sight of who was in front of her, she nearly froze.
Standing in front of her desk was what had to be the most beautiful example of the male species...ever.
Bella fumbled to regain her equilibrium by leaning towards the front desk. He hadn’t noticed her arrival, since he was fumbling through his bag. His present posture didn’t allow her a good enough look at him. He wore a blue baseball cap that covered up many of the details of his face and hair. As he rifled through his bag and retrieved a stack of papers, she noticed his strong hands and long, elegant fingers. She could also tell he was tall, with a lean frame and broad chest; she could make out the lines of his strong jaw covered in light stubble. He was dressed in a heavy wool blue plaid peacoat; summer evenings on the islands could still be a bit chilly.
The gentleman started to speak, and the velvety smooth voice that filled the space made Bella’s knees weak. He was still looking down towards his mess of paperwork.
“Uh, hi. Um...I’m sorry, I’m just a bit disorganized....tried to get here sooner but....um, here’s my reservation confirmation...” he said quietly before he took off his hat and looked up. He froze as he took in Bella’s presence. The stranger’s copper hair flopped in front of his deep green eyes, and she couldn’t help but compare their hue to the green that saturated the island landscape. She had never seen anything like it.
He was immediately taken by her striking porcelain skin, her bright brown eyes, and her long, wavy brown hair. She was eerily beautiful, in an unconventional way. He realized they were both standing gaping at each other and tried to recover the awkward moment as he ran his fingers through his hair and spoke again.
“Sorry, I must’ve lost my train of thought for a moment,” he said shyly. “This is my confirmation, I guess you need my I.D. as well?” He asked, trying to salvage her first impression of him. He raised his brow silently requesting a response.
Bella couldn’t get over the sight of him, but finally managed to move and speak. Thank God.
“Oh, Yes, yes, your I.D. Right. I’m sorry, Your arrival caught me off guard, I was expecting a guest about an hour ago, I wasn’t sure if it was you or not.” Bella noticed she could speak, but not very coherently. She took the I.D. and printout, their fingers briefly grazing each other’s. There was something there, almost like electricity, but not a shock. It was a warm current that spread immediately upon contact, and they both pulled back quickly at the feel of it.  But it wasn’t unpleasant to Bella. As a matter of fact, she was hoping to feel that sensation again in the very near future. 
“Oh, so you’re Cullen...Edward. It says here you’ll be staying in the Harbor Room. It’s a lovely view, it’s one of our most popular rooms in the manor.” Bella decided to play it safe and look down towards her laptop while she gave him the formulated welcome she had recited time and time again. It was the only way she could keep her wits about her. What is wrong with me, she thought to herself. 
“That’s great. Um...” Edward was at a loss for words as well, and the fact that she was looking away gave him the opportunity to really look at her. There was a quiet strength to her presence, and as his eyes traced the feminine lines of her body he was amazed at how jeans and a plain blue shirt could be so alluring. He quickly chastised himself. Stop acting like an idiot. Stop staring at her. She’s going to think you’re creepy. You have a job to do.
“Yes, ok. Here’s your key, you just need to go up those stairs, and your room will be at the very end of the hall to your right. Do you need help with your bags?”
“Oh, no, no...I’m ok...I’m a bit of a control freak when it comes to my equipment.” As she lifted her eyes to meet his again, she smiled gently and nodded. “OK, well, if you’re hungry, we have plenty of food left, I could bring something up to your room if you’d like.” Please say you want me to bring you something...
He stopped his movements and looked at her bashfully. “I actually ate something on ferry, I’m really not that hungry. I think I’d rather just settle in and rest, I have en early day tomorrow...but, thanks.” She found his expression sincere and appreciative, and as he smiled, she swore the brightness of it lit up the room. Who is this man? And why am I so intrigued, she wondered.
As he retreated up the stairs with his bags, which included several small black ones and a guitar case, she found herself ogling his backside. It’s perfect, she observed appreciatively, then rolled her eyes at her own hormone-driven stupidity. She made her way back to the kitchen, where her guests and Rosie where having coffee, as they discussed some of the spots the couple wanted to visit while they were here. When they saw that Bella had re-entered, Rosie immediately started the interrogation.
“Well? What are they like? Man? Woman? Did they tell you why they were late? Bella, what’s the matter with you? Why are you just standing there and not saying anything? Are you alright?” Rosie was a bit eager to know all the details, but when she saw Bella’s flushed face and wide eyes, she became a bit concerned.
“He’s....he’s...” Bella stuttered...
“He’s what? He’s a he? Is he cute? He’s cute, isn’t he? I KNEW IT!” Rosie grinned triumphantly as Alice jumped in her seat, clapping rapidly like a little girl.
“He’s beautiful,” Bella finally confessed as she locked eyes with Rosie, a deep heat rising to her cheeks. 
“Well, did you ask him why he was late?”
“Uh, I didn’t get a chance to, he just wanted to settle in for the evening, I suppose.” Bella was still in a daze.
“I guess you’ll have more time to talk to him tomorrow then, won’t you?” Said Rosie wiggling her perfect eyebrows.
“Oh, yes! I can’t wait to meet the mystery traveler! It’s so romantic, like this whole place just breeds a romance novel,” Alice said in wonder. Jasper just chuckled lightly at his new bride’s antics. “Oh, darlin’, you and your whimsical imagination. Only one of the reasons why I love you,” he cooed as he brought her closer to his side and kissed her temple.
As the table was cleared and the new guests retreated to their room, Rosie also said goodnight and headed to her sanctuary. Bella was left alone to contemplate the evening’s developments; more specifically, her lone guest with the beautiful eyes. She had never seen someone so gorgeous. But looking back, she noticed that there was a certain air of mystery about him, a sadness in his bearing. Or maybe she was just making things up? Yes, she concluded; I’m just tired and need to recharge...long week ahead.
Bella took the stairs towards her room, and stopped just outside the stranger’s, which was very conveniently located directly across, and had to stop herself from reaching out to knock. What excuse could she give for the intrusion? To say goodnight? To offer tea or a snack? Stupid, stupid Bella. He doesn’t want any of that, he already told you. She scolded herself and went to enter her own room when she heard the faint sound of a guitar.
The melody was sad, singular, floating and surrounding her in an invisible embrace. Her hand involuntarily pressed against his door, as if finding its pulse. In an instant, Bella mentally scolded herself for reacting this way and finally closed the door to her own room. Tomorrow would surely be interesting, as she vowed to find out more about the man named Edward Cullen.

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